Belshazzar and the Wall

“Mene, Mene, Tekel”

Harold Rome (1908 – 1993), from 25th Anniversary “Pins and Needles” (1962)

Zimmers, Tighe E. Lyrical Satirical Harold Rome. Jefferson, NY (McFarland & Company 2014)
Obituary NY Times

Joe Glazer (1918-2006), from “The Jewish Immigrant Experience” 1989

Glazer, Joe. Labor’s Troubadour. (Urbana, IL: Univ. of Illinois, 2001)
Obituary NY Times

Lyrics (both versions) here

For more on this song, see “Babylon and the Writing on the Wall.”

Johnny Cash’s “Belshazzar” (1964) is a relatively straightforward re-telling of the biblical story, although it adds a detail not in the Tanakh (or in famous depictions, such as Rembrandt’s): the writing is in blood.

Wikipedia lists many more literary and artistic renderings and references.