Gathering Sources: Vayeitzei

Some thoughts on the Torah portion Vayeitzei — also spelled Vayetzei or Vayetze — Gen 28:10-32:3. This is part of a series of weekly “gathering sources” posts, collecting previous material on the weekly Torah portion, most originally part of a 2009-10 series called “Opening the Book.” Vayeitzei is next read in the Diaspora, minchah on November 30 through December 7.

Something to Notice updated 2019: Bilhah and Zilpah and the Amidah

A Path to Follow: Rachel and Leah, competition or not

Great Source(s): Akedat Yitzchak

Language and Translation: Sulam [what the angels climb]

See also:
Seven Years or Seven Days

Legends of Luz

biblical tree
Jewish Women’s Archive. “Biblical Family Tree.”

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Virginia hosts "Conversations Toward Repair" on We Act Radio, manages, blogs on general stuff a and more Jewish topics at and

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